About Me

My name is Connie Aitcheson and I am a multifaceted writer, editor and researcher. I have worked with some of the world's leading media outlets, among them: Sports Illustrated, Essence, Cosmopolitan, espnW.com, Latina.com, The Brooklyn Rail, The Best American Poetry blog and The Nation. I was born in Jamaica but live in America and travel between the two countries frequently. My blog will provide reports on Jamaican and American culture. I love sports, literature and food so will reference them most. 

I have a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Fordham University and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from The New School.


e-mail: connieaitcheson@yahoo.com

Links to articles:




Anonymous said...

what a wonderfully fresh and original blog - I love your sports pieces

YardEdge said...

Hi Connie,

Great to meet a fellow blogger and lover of all things positive about Jamaica!

Do you have a mailing list I can add myself to?


Unknown said...

sorry to learn of the recent losses, very unfortunate, though Jamaica, I'm sure has more gifts to offer up....

Anonymous said...

Go cuz, I am mighty proud of u